"Ett stenkast från Grimley!"

In English

Hi and welcome to the website of the brass band Seffle Tower Brass (STB)! The band comes from the small town Säffle in Värmland, a county in the west of  Sweden. The band members lives in the town itself and the region close to it. The band was formed in 2006 and is built up as a traditional british brass band.

The band has many times competed in the Swedish National Championship for Brassband and mainly in it´s Third Division. The band has won the silver medal four times in this division and it´s musicians at several occassions won solist prizes. If you want to know more about the band and maybe listen to a few of our recordings, you can also visit the band channel on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SeffleTowerBrass/videos 

You can also contact  us at seffletowerbrass@hotmail.se

Thank You for visiting our website and welcome back soon!

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